Health Pathways, Inc. was founded to improve the quality of healthcare information delivery and facilitate efficient clinical research processes and product development. Using capabilities from acquired assets and partnerships, the overall mission is four part:
* To improve the quality of health care delivery through the coordination of centralized health care information;
* To facilitate the early introduction of more efficient healthcare processes;
* To increase clinical research access to qualified clinical research investigators and eligible patients.
* To enable government agencies to achieve technology modernization and global harmonization for regulatory submission and review.
The problem: slow, inefficient, and expensive research
While the United States spends the most on healthcare per capita of any country (over one trillion dollars annually), it ranks poorly in efficiency:
Inefficient and Expensive Clinical Research:
Clinical investigator identification, criteria validation, and patient enrollment are all hampered by inefficient processes that on average extend the necessary time to complete a Phase Three study by ninety to one hundred and twenty days -- at an average of $1 million per day. The annual direct clinical research inefficiency estimates range from $5 to $7 billion.
Patient Information in Disparate Silos:
Inefficient links between patients, providers, payers, and employers delay health care delivery and payment, increase staff requirements, decrease quality of care, and create consumer dissatisfaction. Currently, there are at least 400 disparate formats used to submit and process health care claims, costing the U.S. $370 billion annually. Reports indicate that solutions to these IT system issues would double the potential clinical investigator pool.
Unsecured Healthcare Information:
There are currently no clear processes to protect the privacy of patients' medical records. Repeated studies indicate the need for a central, independent patient information network where patients could provide the necessary authorization for care provision across clinical researchers. Two government initiatives are forcing health care to provide a viable answer to this problem: (1) the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 (Public Law 104-191) and (2) the Patient's Bill of Rights (Bipartisan Protection Act, S. 1052.)
The solution: Health Pathways' End-to-End technology
Health Pathways, Inc. has combined the components, production systems and technical assets of the following Healthcare IT companies to address the challenges presented:
* Biosciences Corporation (founded 1998) -- a clinical research information matching network;
* NetHealth Trust, Inc. -- the Information Technology (IT) services division of Health Pathways, Inc.;
* MedSolutions, Inc. (1997) -- a medical imaging network company;
* Audit Services (2003) -- a division of Health Pathways focused on the integrity of the pharmaceutical supply chain.